Battery testers for Glove Box

Battery Testers



  • Potentiostats and cyclers are among the tools used in research and development dedicated to energy storage in electrochemical form (eg lithium batteries, supercapacitors, microbatteries …).

Technical Specifications

Technical specifications of Battery testers:

Assembled devices (button cells, cells, pocket cells, etc.) assembled in JACOMEX argon glove boxes are connected to the testers for electrochemical measurements and to quantify the evolution of their performances.



This equipment can be installed on the following glove box models

Controlled atmosphere glove box for the protection of products < 1PPM H2O – O2

Glove box designed for controlled atmosphere processes < 1PPM H2O – O2

Glove box designed for research and industry for all applications < 1PPM H2O – O2

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