Lithium-Sulfur batteries: A significant shift in electromobility




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Lithium-Sulfur batteries: A significant shift in electromobility

A Czech scientist, and user of Jacomex Gloveboxes, Ing. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication at Brno University of Technology, has developped and patented two years ago a Li-S battery cell.

The research was possible thanks to a partnership with a Norwegian Company, who recently announced the construction of the world‘s first factory for the production of lithium-sulfur batteries. The technology is a real environment friendly alternative to Li-ion batteries and will mainly interest European car manufacturers.

We congrat Dr. Tomáš Kazda for this success and at the same time warmly thank all the team of ChromSpec for their professionalism in promoting our gloveboxes in Czech Republic and Slovakia for 12 years now!